The ambitious goals we have to alleviate farmers’ poverty can only be achieved through teamwork. As we continue to move forward on our journey, please reach out to us if you think you can help.Jasberry is growing quickly and could use help in a wide variety of areas, from how we run our back office to how we work with our farmers. We are open to working with domestic and international organizations, from impact-focused grant partners to international organic food distributors. The possibilities are endless as long as we share the common vision of transforming farmers’ lives! Please find below the details of our current partnerships.
Furthermore, we have also set up Siam Organic Foundation to enable us to mobilize more resources behind our mission to alleviate farmers’ poverty. The Siam Organic Foundation is a non-profit foundation, making it eligible to receive grants from a larger number of domestic and international donor organizations. The foundation is also able to receive donations from individual givers who want to support Thai rice farmers in a sustainable and scalable manner.
If you feel like you or your organization could help us in generating even greater social impact for our farmers, please contact us at info@jasberry.net.